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For over 40 years, Trevor Albert has explored the use of various forms of  mixed media into his paintings. In this most recent work, Albert methodically uses exotic papers, magazine scraps and even bits of dehydrated fruits and vegetables. He guides these disparate jagged fragments into harmonious whimsical compositions that are both energetic and simultaneously tranquil.

MAY 3 - 19
FRIDAY - SUNDAY 10:30am - 5pm

Closing event! Artist Talk with Trevor Albert - moderated by Morleigh Steinberg
MAY 19, SATURDAY 2 -3pm

Previous Shows

If We Can’t Fix it - It Ain’t Busted

IF WE CAN’T FIX IT - IT AIN’T BUSTED offers an opportunity to reconnect and reflect upon the spirit of engaged know-how, to solve, to fix and do – a time before the culture of disposable, replaceable, built-in obsolescence had taken hold.

Dance and Eye

Dance and Eye brings together dancer Oguri and five photographers from different backgrounds and experiences to investigate a set of questions - Where does dance take place? In the body of the the dancer or in the eye of the observer?
