Frally Hynes is a singer, songwriter who has released solo albums, and her project Venus and the Moon with Rain Phoenix. She also works as a music supervisor for film and TV.
This project began as spontaneously as it has ended up here in this space. It started with a book of Bresson’s photographs on display at the piano. Periodically, I would turn the page after some weeks or often months had passed but I never gave the book more of my conscious attention than any other inanimate object of beauty in the diorama of my creative space.
The first song, which I call ‘Gratitude’, disappeared a few times but kept coming back. One afternoon, as I was staring into space but sort of gazing into the photograph, I realized that I was writing about its subjects. This moment was as profound and magical as any moment I’ve ever experienced. I wondered if I could consciously repeat the process and once I’d finished the song, I was excited to turn the page at random. Creatively, I love random, subtle and spontaneous. I would come to learn that Bresson loved these same qualities. He never corrected an image or tried to perfect it. He allowed each moment to be as it was…ongoing.
As I wrote more of these “impressionistic” melodies and lyrics and felt more at home with the posthumous nature of the relationship I was developing with Bresson, I wondered if I could recreate this with other great photographers and artists. Eventually, however, I came to the understanding that his mastery of the subtle world was the real bridge and the potency of this subtle body in his work is just so exceptionally rare. The nuances, so palpable yet so understated, have their own life, their own strength and a very powerful transmission. Perhaps this is in part due to his philosophy of allowing the moment to be - without a second look, without an alteration. In other realms of existence this art might be called ‘listening’.
These songs are a tribute to that philosophy in that they are fleeting impressions that remain unrevised and raw - a very difficult undertaking for a born revisionist. In just these three images, I learned so much from him. HOLINESS Holiness is wrapped inside the sufferer. The “sufferer” and the “sinner” are closer to God than the Holy Man. GRATITUDE For the day upon day upon day (ad infinitum). For all which will one day be taken from us that we now imagine will always remain. GRAVITY The grounding force of nature. - FRALLY